Saturday, March 17, 2018

10 Anime Facts in Akame ga Kill

1. Tatsumi very first kiss was with Esdeath.

2. Sheele's name comes from the German word "Schere"  which means scissors.

3. Leone is the only member of Night Raid who isn't known as a member by the Empire.

4. Akame means "red eye" in Japanese. Kurome means "black eye".

5. Esdeath is the deadliest character in Akame ga Kill. Her kill count is over 400,000.

6. Bulat and Sheele were among the more powerful and nicer of the Night Raid, the former even being considered on Esdeath's level. 

7. Lubbock claimed that he got many ideas how to use his threads from the manga sold in the bookstore he owned.

8. Seryu is often called "Justice Girl".

9. Bulat was the tallest member of the Night Raid. 

10. In almost every scene, Chelsea is shown to be eating a lollipop.

Links below:
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Just saying. If you want to read more about our anime facts, just scroll down below.
Thanks for reading guys. :)

Admin: Jan Dave Fabro

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